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Being involved – Ipplepen

Ipplepen is a village with a strong community spirit which has been particularly evident in these strange and testing times.  St. Andrew’s church members enjoy taking their place in supporting and building this community.  Our church building which stands in the heart of our village is not just home to the church family of regular church-goers but is used widely by our community.  It is open every day as a place of quiet, a place of prayer and used throughout the year to mark significant moments in our community and events in our lives e.g. harvest, remembrance, the lantern procession, weddings, funerals and baptisms.

Everyone is most welcome to use the building to take some space in a busy week, to join a wider community gathering or come to one of our regular services. People’s relationship with the church will vary enormously – and everyone is welcome to get involved in whatever way and to what level they feel is right for them.

In addition to joining us is services and other events there two areas where people can get involved – supporting FINANCIALLY and with TIME and SKILLS

Supporting Financially

St. Andrew’s needs considerable amounts of money each year to be able to fund the costs of having a permanent Rector, running the church parish and maintaining the church building. Members of the congregation are asked contribute through regular giving, primarily through the Parish Giving Scheme, but we also ask members of the wider community to contribute financially to the church’s place in our community and ensuring it is able to continue to play a vibrant and vital part in our village life.

Our annual Gift Day is an opportunity for the village to help, but we also encourage people to make regular donations though the Parish Giving Scheme. This then automatically enables the church to claim Gift Aid from the government, which increases the giving amount by 25%.parishgivingscheme

If you would like to enrol in the Parish Giving scheme, please contact the church office.

Below is the letter we distributed to the village for the 2020 Gift Day:

Gift Day 2020 Flier

Supporting with Time and Skills

There are many opportunities for people to be involved with the running of the church from a practical point of view – have a look at the list below. If you would like help, please get in touch (see Who’s Who for contact details)


  • Churchwardens
  • PCC members, secretary and treasurer
  • Group Leaders

Helping with services

  • Helping lead worship
  • Leading intercessions
  • Assisting at communion
  • Choir, Music and Organists
  • Bellringing
  • Sidesmen and Sideswomen (Welcomers)
  • Coffee after service

Pastoral and social

  • Home and hospital visiting
  • Hospitality group
  • Special events organisation
  • Links with schools (‘experience’ events)
  • Help with youth – Messy Church, Junior choir


  • Help with Communications (IT, magazine, Website, Social media, documents)
  • Buildings maintenance (monthly working party)
  • Rotas (1 or 2 weeks at a time – about 4 times a year)
    • Flowers (+ festivals)
    • Church cleaning
    • Vestry duties
    • Church locking and unlocking

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